Dentist Recruitment for Groups & Corporates
There are huge benefits for dental professionals working in corporate dentistry and we ensure our candidates know this. Zest Dental has a fantastic relationship with our corporate clients and we work in close partnership with small to large dental groups and corporates; some of which our consultants have worked with since before we were established as a company, and for some of our clients, at the foundation of their company. Our relationship is based on continued and honest communication; we have grown to know their businesses and they us, and we have become an integral part of their recruitment team.
We speak with candidates mindful that we are representing our clients’ business interests and that we are the candidate's first impression of our client’s reputation. We provide our candidates honest career advice based on their requirements and skills, to ensure they are well matched with our clients and to guarantee improved longevity of employment.

“All corporates are the same”. Let's be honest, we all sometimes hear this statement from candidates. Our experience in dental recruitment and the hundreds of informal exit interviews we have conducted over the years whilst interviewing candidates, has providing us a fantastic insight into what the percieved reoccurring issues are for dental professionals, both within independent and corporate dental practice. Often this is hearsay, but for corporate dentistry the effects of reputation on recruitment are magnified much more than for an independent dental practice and a lot of this is based on perception, we can help remedy this.

For us the most fundamental factor in recruitment is retention, retain your staff and you will not have to recruit as frequently or in as high volume. Obvious we know, but we wanted you to know that we know too. We help our clients recognise potential issues, all companies have them and it is a logical occurrence of growth, we help to rectify these and ensure a happy workforce. The benefit for us? It makes it easier for us to recruit for you. We can ensure improved retention by matching candidates to your requirements, both in terms of personality and skills. Your reputation for retention will also precipitate more fluid and easy recruitment for the times when you do need to recruit new dentists and support staff.

We speak with candidates and ensure your business shines. We can do this with confidence, as we ensure our clients are offering environments commensurate with that of dental professional's realistic expectations. Speaking with thousands of candidates over the years, we know what candidates expect as prerequisites as professionals; we transfer this knowledge and our expertise and ensure our corporate clients benefit from not only a dental recruitment partner, but also a consultancy service that we believe is a leading example of how recruitment should be undertaken in the dental profession.
We will get to know your business, your ethos, and what you need from the people you employ, ensuring that Zest Dental become an integral partner to your recruitment team.

Please contact us on 0114 238 0012 for an informal and confidential conversation to dicuss how we can help your business thrive, fill your practices with happy dentists and support staff, and dispel the myth that “all corporates are the same”, because Zest Dental's corporate partners offer fantastic opportunities for the dental profession and are anything but the same.