Dental Care Professional Candidates
Our website may be called, but truth is we secure superb job opportunities all of the time for dental care professionals. Whilst working with dental practices to secure dentists over the years, we developed a fantastic reputation within the dental practice community and with that, a demand from our clients that we also focus our talents in finding them exceptional talent, in addition to recruiting dentists.

With a dedicated desk focussed on the recruitment of dental care professionals, we are as expert in finding you new dental job opportunities as we are with dentists and we and you benefit from the same enviable client base of UK dental practices as we do for dentists.
Our expertise is broad in dentistry and we recruit the entire dental team.

- Dentists and Specialists
- Dental Hygienists
- Dental Therapists
- Orthodontic Therapists
- Dental Nurses
- Dental Receptionists
- Practice Managers
- Senior Managers, Directors, and Operations

Knowing our clients the way we do, we know that they offer competitive rates commensurate with your qualifications and experience, professional work environments, and they benefit from excellent staff retention, which in itself is a testament to the working environments they offer. How do we know this? We know this because we know our clients, and for new clients we ask the right questions, and only when we are happy that they meet our candidate’s expectations do we represent their business and work on their behalf.

For a confidential discussion specific to your career, please contact one of Zest Dental's dentistry recruitment consultants or use our dental job search tool to find your perfect match, register with us for job alerts or register your CV with us online.